Is She Hiding Something?

Her daughter’s backpack appeared to be different that day, she could see something was wrong. By the looks of it, the bag was apparently stuffed with something as she could see it was puffed and so full. Yeah, in simpler words the bag looked fat and it wasn’t because she had packed her daughter’s lunch with too much junk food but she had to find out. Being a mom, it was natural for her to worry. So when she headed toward the bag only to unzip it and take a look inside, her jaw dropped and hit the floor out of the shock she was into. She was astounded to find out what her daughter was up to.

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Tough Road Ahead

There’s nothing you can tell a parent to comfort them whose child is in a bad state. There wasn’t much that anyone could have done or said to make her mother feel any better. No matter how tough the times were she knew she had to stay strong. She made a promise to herself that she would stand by her daughter and won’t leave her side for a second throughout this tough journey, and all thanks to their willpower and fighting spirit, everything ended on a good note.Tough Road Ahead

What A Sum

By now Addie had spent most of her time or say most of her life at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital where she was receiving treatment for her condition, being operated, or attending physical therapy. Therefore when she made it back home after completing her treatment she made sure to make it count. She would go out and run and hop all over the place, didn’t miss a day at school and always played outdoor sports with her friends. While all these gestures appeared as normal to everyone, no one had suspected this little girl to hide a big secret.Loads Of Cash

Loads Of Cash

Dollar bills stashed inside their girl’s backpack was the last thing they would ever expect to happen to them. The most Addie’s mom had imagined was that Addie had been carrying more books than usual in her backpack. They started assuming the worse cases. It just didn’t make sense to them as to how she managed to get piles of money.What A Sum

Her True Wish

This signboard was enough for her parents to understand the reason behind her bag being loaded with cash. They were more than happy for their girl who was displaying signs of living her life like a good Samaritan.

Her True Wish