Good Assistance

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“I don’t know how many firemen have been in my house,” she later revealed in an interview she gave that took place in the month of July back in 2014. Since she called the firefighter often, they also knew the couple quite well now. Whenever they dropped in for their visits, Douglas would be given the medical aid he needs and his wife would be looking on from the side.

Who Was He?

It is funny because, we often find ourselves being with or spending time with some people, but we never truly know who they are. So even for these firemen, they were not really aware of who this couple was, nor had they ever thought of asking. So even though they were frequently visiting the house, these firefighters never actually knew who Douglas was because it had never crossed their minds to ask.

Friendly Rapport

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The firefighters had gone to their house so many times that they did become quite friendly with each other.  And who can blame them? If you visit or meet people quite a few times, it is natural to just start being a little friendly and comfortable with one another. However, even though they were friendly, DeKalb County workers did not know the kind of people the old couple truly was.

It Would All Change

The more you spend time with someone, the more you are bound to know about them, little by little. So what the firefighters did not anticipate was that htis particular day, they would get to uncover a shocking truth behind Douglas’ identity. One particular conversation held with wife Maxine changed what they saw about the couple. This information truly shocked them…

His Identity?

So what information could have possibly given these workers such a surprise? Well, after speaking to his wife and asking her about their past, she revealed that Douglas actually had a lot of things in common with the men who kept coming for his medical aid. Douglas was actually a former fireman of DeKalb County’s Fire Station Nine. He was even given the rank of lieutenant.

Douglas’ Past Life

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So the firefighters were shocked to learn that Douglas had arrived at the station all the way back in 1960. He was also their 38th crew member. There was another very impressive fact about Douglas’ past. It turns out, he was actually the first paramedic to be employed by the county. After a long 25 year stretch of fighting flames and rescuing people, the firefighter took a retirement and lived in Decatur.