High And Dry

High And DryHe came home to a home that was completely empty. It would seem that Rebecca was done with living her life that way. She had been at home all alone, doing nothing and with her newborn baby. She had no one to spend time with and loneliness somehow got to her. She did the only thing that she thought was sensible. She decided to move back home with her dear son.

Earning His Trust

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 However, the two decided to somehow work things out. But it was going to take Rebecca many years to earn Matt’s trust. After she pulled such a horrifying stunt, it was only fair that he felt a little disappointed in her. he went through. So then, after having 2 kids together, what would make her throw everything away?

Rough Waters

Rough Waters
Who likes to be lied to? We know for sure that most breakups are results of one or the other partner lying. Since Rebecca was feeling so vulnerable and alone, added with Matt’s growing suspicion of her, their marriage was slowing falling apart. Since he grew up with divorced parents, Matt had promised himself that he would never let that happen to him. But was he going to be strong enough?

What Was She Up To?

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But one thing we must keep in mind is that there are levels of dishonesty. Lying can be categorized on different levels based on how big or dangerous they are. Would you be able to move on and learn to forgive Rebecca if you were in Matt’s place? What would make her act so weird this time around and hide something from Matt after all that she had done? 

Loose Lips

Loose Lips
When a few months passed as Matt was on his tour, he got a message from one of his good friends claiming that Rebecca was acting very weird. He told her that she was shutting herself off from society. It was also very weird to note that Rebecca was selling some of Matt’s furniture too. Matt wanted to put his trust in his wife but she was making it very difficult.

Will All Be Cleared

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Even though he loved his wife very much he knew that it was getting unbearable for her to spend so much time alone without him by her side. As time went on, it was getting time for Matt to go back home. He would be able to speak to her about all his frustrations and so could she as soon as Matt reaches home. He was feeling very anxious and scared to go home though.