Not Even A Goodbye

The mother abandoned the two cubs, who are old enough to fend for themselves in Siberia Life is not easy out in the wild but does that mean a mother should abandon her own kids? These cubs were not even old enough to swim so even when their mother left them, they could not have survived. Frantically moving their paws in the water just to stay afloat, the cubs were losing their energy. It could be seen in the video ahead.

Fight For Life

Even more panicking now after their mothers abandoned them, the cubs started losing all hopes of their survival and would have definitely drowned. However, there came a ray of sunshine for them on this gloomy day of their lives.

Incoming Messiahs

It was simply the good luck of the cubs that a boat carrying a group of fishermen was surfing the exact place of the river where they were struggling for their lives. The cubs, as soon as they saw an object that could help them hold on to their lives, started to swim towards it. These fishermen came as life saviors for them.

Just In Time

Image result for fast boats in waterThe fishermen’s boat reached the cubs in the nick of time, they saw that all the bears’ energy was exhausted and they were beginning to drown, their cry of help had started to die down because they were freezing with cold. Were the fishermen too late? Did both the baby bears make it safely?

Waiting For The Right Moment

Even though the fishermen wanted to help these stranded cubs, they did not want to become the victim of mama bear’s wrath either. They patiently waited for the mother bear to reach the nearest island, and as soon as they saw that they were out of harm’s way, they rushed to the rescue of the drowning cubs and also taped the entire operation.

The Rescue Operation

Image result for boat saves drowning bears

A video made by one of the fishermen on the boat captures the entire struggle of the cubs in trying to get on the boat. The bears could hardly hold their heads above the water, they were hardly alive. Did the fishermen make it in time?