Something Was Off
Something Was Off

And as soon as he saw that his wife was leaving, even  Erik rushed out too. He took hold of the bags that she held on her hands, assuring her that everything would be taken care of by him. He had to spend some time to convince her that things would be okay, that she had nothing to worry about. Then, he requested that she go back inside and take care of everything else that needed to be done.

A Faint Suspicion

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And while he was trying to convince his wife that she needed to get back inside, Amber got a little suspicious. She could not understand the reason behind her husband’s forehead getting so drenched in sweat. She was also confused as to why he was in such urgency and that his voice sounded like he was in a hurry. She could immediately tell that something was off.

Mysterious Shadow
Mysterious Shadow

And so after his wife cooled down, the whole family was finally ready to go on their trip. Erik convinced his wife to keep the bags in the back of the truck and that everything was fine. They had kept all that they would need for the trip in the vehicle. They also enjoyed a heavy meal for lunch right before they left. Then, when they all settled in the car, finally ready to set sail…

A Shadow?

The whole gang had been waiting for this moment for a long while now and the trip was about to start. It was nice because everything was going smoothly with no such issue. As everybody got comfortable in their seats, there was something that Amber noticed. She could see that there was some sort of shadow in the truck. She obviously grew worried and a little nervous too…

What’s Going On?
Surprise Passenger

After planning and working towards making this trip happen, the family was about to start with their brand new adventure. Each hour of the day was carefully planned out and how it would be spent. However, something was off and it did not feel right. Erik Richter had driven his car about a mile and made his first stop. He wanted to capture the moment first.

Someone Else

Image result for shadows hooded

So Erik stopped his car and parked on the roadside. He whipped out his camera and instructed everyone to squeeze in and get ready for a group selfie. He accidentally switched the camera to video mode when he targeted the camera at everyone. Then when everyone in the family was getting ready to smile for the camera, someone had photobombed the excited family.