Oh Deer!

Alivia was a young girl but was able to comprehend the seriousness that the deer was in. She could sense how unfit the deer was to actually swim in the deepest part of the lake. “That thing didn’t even have floaties!” she even said. The family was in fear that the deer might die because of the freezing temperature in the lake.

Facing The Fear

The Schmelzingers were sure that if they did not help quickly, the deer would soon drown. “Our first reaction was, we gotta help this deer,” Annette said. Since the baby deer was slowly starting to lose control, the family constructed a plan to help. They did not wish to witness a baby deer dying.

The Helpless Deer

The Schmelzinger family needed to get closer to the deer to try and help. “He was definitely way out there. We were probably in 70 feet of water,” Joe said, “It was headed out into the lake. It was headed the wrong way.” The family was not sure if their actions would help but something had to be done.

An Unusual Situation

Annette quickly took her phone out and videotaped their situation as it was quite unbelievable. The clip shows them getting close to the deer. This video clip surely shocked many people. It went viral because no one has ever seen a baby deer in the middle of a lake swimming.

Very Shaken Up

Joe stretched out so that he could grab the deer when they were closer. The deer was so shaken up with fear and tension as it was certainly shocking for it too. Not to mention how hungry and cold it must have been swimming this whole time. The needed to create a plan B as it was not working out.

Helping The Deer In Distress

The family was so curious to know why the deer went into the water so they researched it online. They found that deer tend to go the water in times of fear and panic. They would sometimes swim in the direction they are heading for a long time while sometimes they search for food and safe shelter. It was now clear that the baby deer was running from something.