Teens Come Back To The Amish


Most teens that go for their Rumspringa return to get baptized and officially join the Amish faith. Some do stay in the outside world as they feel they fit better there. This is an open choice that the teens can choose and it does not carry a deadline so they can always return if ever the English world gets too much to handle.

What Are These Faceless Dolls?


Amish kids get to play with toys that they are given to when they are toddlers. These are very simple dolls that have been made at home and certainly do not look like regular dolls of the outside world. The dolls do not have faces so that these kids learn to not judge anyone based on their looks/ appearance.

What About Precious Memories?


Since the Amish do not condone any type of technological gadgets, they are obviously not allowed to use any cameras. Even paintings are prohibited. The only thing they can do is to hold their memory close to themselves, in their hearts and minds because keeping any images of anyone is seen as a sinful act.

A Bed One Night


Most parents today would never allow their kids to go on dates where the couple sleeps together. The Amish however, have a tradition of placing these couples in one bed at night with one separation that prevents them from getting physical. This is called ‘Bundling’ which supposedly strengthens the bond of these couples as they eventually have to talk all night.

Arranged Marriages Are A Big No No!


The Amish people are against any kind of arranged marriages. They make sure the couples that marry are indeed okay with one another so there is no forced marriage of such kind. You are, however, only eligible to marry a certain type of person who is within the Amish church as well.

No Dating Before Church

Until and unless you have received a baptism in the Amish church, you cannot date anyone or get linked to someone. Dating is not allowed if the person is not officially a part of the community. Also, these dates always take place in public so that nothing goes wrong.