Just Some Beggar?

The cobbler’s wife thought of this stranger as some foreign beggar. So, she suggested leaving the woman with Mr.Hill, the parish Overseer of the Poor, the in charge of arresting all ‘common beggars… rogues and vagabonds.’ It was a law to send such people was prison workhouse or they could be transported in the irons of Australia. Mr. Hill wasn’t convinced of her being a beggar rather he too was mystified by her charms. 

Up Above The Village

Mr. Hill didn’t want to keep her as a beggar without confirming anything so he decided to take her to the Knole park, an old yet elegant bungalow that was located above the village on a higher land. It was the Worrall’s place. Mr. Samuel Worrall was the county Magistrate and his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Worrall had a Greek manservant who knew various European and other languages, who might help in identifying this mysterious woman’s story. The Worralls were an American couple and being the magistrate, Mr. Worrall even had the authority to make a decision.

Checked Everything

Neither the Worralls nor the servant were able to tell her language. Like most of the people, Mrs. Worrall got fond of her exotic features but Mr. Worrall had a strong feeling that something was fishy. He was questioning her in sign language. He asked her if there was any letter or paper. The stranger showed her pockets, she didn’t have much, just a few pennies. The young lady had no idea that this could bring her a great trouble, even a death sentence. Rest she just had a soap covered with linen.

Soft As Petals

They further took a look at the woman’s hands, which were soft as petals even her nails were clean and tidy. There were no signs of hard work nor it seemed like she was poor but she had no money as well. Her appearance was neat and decent just different from the English people. At last, they concluded on letting her stay in a village inn. Two servants took her to a hotel where she instantly noticed a pineapple printed on the wall and said ‘Anana’ pointing at it. Ananas is pineapple in Greek and several other European languages. 

A Believer

The landlady asked her if she wants to have supper but the stranger denied and tried to indicate that she wants tea. She prayed before drinking tea. For praying, she was holding on hand above her eye, a way nobody ever saw before. She washed her cup herself. Everyone at the hotel was mesmerized by her rituals. 

What’s A Bed?

When the landlady sent her to her room, she had no idea of what a bed is used for. She was ready to sleep on the floor until she was shown how comfortable the bed was. Before sleeping she kneeled down to pray and then slept. Everything about her was fascinating. The fun part was that nobody was even aware of her name.