A Strange Dog

This dog has been living life under the blazing sun his whole life. She behaves in a very uncommon manner, laying out in the sun instead of trying to hide away. Many rescue teams have taken a keen interest in her. When they finally rescued her, they uncovered a shocking reason for her strange behavior.

A Desert Weather

The climate in Bakersfield, California resembles that of a desert which translates to their summers being long and scorching while they get brief winter days.Every year this place experiences 108 afternoons where the temperatures rise above 90°F. They observe two days crossing 110°F as well.

Dogs Cannot Sweat

Keeping all this in mind, Bakersfield is indeed a very hot place to live in. This type of extreme weather could most definitely affect an animal’s health. Dogs usually suffer from deadly heat strokes as they are unable to sweat off the blazing temperature.

Coping Mechanisms

Their only ways to get rid of their heat is through their nose and tongue, and sometimes panting helps. But the fur they are covered in is not ideal for such type of heat. Therefore many pet owners restrict how long or how much they expose them to the sun.

Remaining Unbothered

Many dogs do not have the choice to stay off of the sun. In summer 2015  , a local residing in Bakersfield grew concerned as one dog was heavily exposed to the outdoors. The temperature was as high as 100°, but the dog never seemed to mind.

The Dog’s Habits

The dog would go to a nearby irrigation to quench her thirst. Then she takes a quick swim to cool herself off. The rest of the day, the pooch would remain basked in the sun, bare and raw. She never even seemed to try and find a way out of the sun.