How Are They Flooded?

When people were becoming aware of the historical aspect of these cave channels, everyone was becoming more and more curious. And the question was, how did such a vast piece of construction go underwater? More than 11,000 years ago, when the Earth ecosystem was changing at a fast pace, the glaciers started to melt, as a result, the water levels around the globe rose. The water level suddenly rose as high as 300 feet.

Bad Leads To Good

Despite the fact that the water level might have played a big role in the vanishing of the Mayan civilization, the flood somehow helped the caves stay as it is. These caves unbelievably preserved megafauna, as well as animal bones.  All the things that stayed underwater for 1000s of years saved for us to discover.

High Level Of Sophistication

The Maya civilization established around 250 A.D. and lasted till 900 A.D. The Mayan people were known for their highly complex structures. This is quite relative with the various historical artifacts found beneath the surface. The civilization had a tendency to make a network of all the buildings for some unknown reason. 

The Source

“This immense cave represents the most important submerged archaeological site in the world, as it has more than a hundred archaeological contexts,” told Guillermo, the director of the project. So far, there were just sites, things became bigger than ever when they found the oldest skull on the American land. This was the biggest success for them.

Two Decades Of Research

“This is an effort of more than 20 years of traveling hundreds of kilometers of caves submerged in Quintana Roo mainly, of which I devoted 14 to explore this monstrous Sac Actun System. Now, everyone’s job is to keep it [up],” are the translated words of Schmittner, the project’s director. Two decades of research and finally got the most significant thing that attracted global media 

How Far They Were Spread

The Mayan territory was spread across most of Mexico and Central America. Their architecture is are so epic that it reveals a way lot of information about their civilization, lifestyle, believes, and more. They built cenotes, ie, sinkholes that helped them to get water. A place popular as a black hole was also discovered and we are yet to give you the detailing about the skeleton.