
amazon jungle - rurrenabaque bolivia

Their last stoppage was to re-stock food and supplies. Although their quest for gold was quite charismatic, the natives’ warning didn’t stop and the group had to think again about their plan and if they really want to go further into the wild or not. Their decision was what we call human nature.

Marching Onamazon jungle - marcus stamm

The expedition continued as they decided to be more alert after all the warnings. Along the Asariamas River, they were just moving straight into the deep forest. So far, all four of them were looking healthy and fine but things were soon to turn the other way around which will start a never-ending story.

Food And Foot IssuesImage result for foot trench

Soon their food stock was running short and they were supposed to hurry and find anything that’s suitable to eat. The quantity of rice and bean was decreasing and now they were eating whatever they were getting including monkey meat and more. Marcus, the first guy Yossi became friends with, denied to eat monkey meat and later had a trench foot and it was hard for him to cope-up with others’ speed.

ThicknessRelated image

As they were moving forward, the thick greenery was causing huge trouble for the expedition group. They were supposed to stop at nights and move during the days. The forest was dense, filled with poisonous insects. The group was stressed and they were in need to change their strategy to keep moving forward. 

New StrategyRelated image

When they reached a village Karl said that they sail in the forest this time and everyone agreed. The group with the help of villagers managed to build a raft and were certain to find the way to their destined village this time. Karl and Marcus didn’t share a good bonding and they were just bearing each other for the sake of the group and the expedition.

SailingImage result for Rurrenabaque sailing

They were sailing through the Beni River and were following Karl, the geologist’s map and as per his new plan, they’ll stop whenever they come across a village. While Karl was sure about his plan, Marcus was worried about what’s next, and Kevin was making full benefit of the cameras to capture the moments, Yossi was the happiest as he was finally living his dream unaware of what’s going to happen with him.