Night Vision

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And so just like other baby monitors, the one that this mom and dad bought has the feature of night vision. The night vision camera helps to see what goes on even in pitch dark so that parents can act accordingly. It is helpful at night because the lights have to go as everyone needs to sleep. Even Sarah and Jay were able to check their baby’s movements.

Even They Can See

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However, since there was night vision in the camera that they had bought, it automatically meant that the person watching them could see at night too. There was a huge problem here. These people were able to see each and every movement of their son or whatever was there in front of the camera. They had to try to find a way to fix this.

Checking The Monitor

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So in the end, there was no doubt that something was wrong with the monitor. Sarah and Jay were absolutely convinced that the baby monitor had some sort of problem. The couple did not take too long to realize that their baby monitor had a malfunction. There was no reason for some stranger to be able to interact with them like that.

The Manufacturer

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And so after they both so clearly heard the voices speaking, Sarah and Jay knew they had to go and check the baby monitor right away. They called the manufacturer of their monitor, Foscam, to asl if there was anything wrong with what they had bought. Folsom monitors use the internet via a smartphone where you can interact. 

Getting Hacked

There was no denying it at this point. Their baby monitor was indeed hacked by someone. Sarah and Jay’s baby monitor was messed with. Somebody found a way to hack the monitor and this hacker was able to do whatever he wanted. He was capable of controlling the camera. It was surely a moment that scared both the parents immensely.

Not The Only Ones

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When they found out what had happened, Jay and Sarah were shocked beyond belief. The two of them never expected that the baby monitor could have ever lead to such a scare. This was truly an incident that made them scared for their whole family’s life and safety. They soon realized that they were not the only ones to go through this. The parents needed to warn others…