“Life is like a Treasure Hunt Game, one has to solve the clues from the incidents that happened and move further to find the ultimate fortune”. Isn’t it an exciting and thrilling feeling to discover a treasure in the place you least expected? Just give it a thought: you are measuring the length and density of heavy jungle and while doing so you stumble upon the unexpected.

What that unexpected turns out to be is the driving force which makes you crave and hunt for more. While Ryan and Lisa were on their trekking trip to the mountains, neither of them had thought a normal trekking expedition will take them to a treasure hunt that will give them many reasons to think before uncovering the hidden…


Ryan and Lisa had their hearts racing when the metal detector beeped. It was completely shocking to find it beep in the woods. A wild forest where all you could see till the end is just trees and bushes and finding the detector beep made them excited. It was just like an ancient old hidden history or past was waiting to be hunted.

Rising Anticipation

Their minds were making random notes what could it be. The entire scene felt to them like a thriller suspense movie where on a dark, windy and rainy night one comes across a treasure and suddenly in a night turns into a billionaire. What could be there in it? Let’s Dig!

Jaws Dropped

As Ryan held the shovel, Lisa had her eyes gloomed at the soil. She was just waiting for a sound that would make sure that the place had been covering something magnificent. As he continues to dig, the shovel hits next to probably something metallic and made a sound. And what they discover next had their jaws dropped.

The Couple

Ryan and Lisa were two independent beings who fell in love with each other. To them life was beautiful. And their lives got even better and exciting when Lisa joined Ryan in his favorite hobby. The hobby of going on treasure hunting excursions.

A Shared Hobby

Ryan Parson was from Bunker Hil, West Virginia who had always craved for adventures in life. To him, life was worthy of embarking upon various adventures. And his passion further deepens when his longtime girlfriend began to enjoy hunting for treasures with him. And that day something unbelievable happened.

April Morning

It was April Morning when the duo went for a treasure hunting trek. They knew that treasure hunting as a hobby was a challenging one. There are more chances of failure than success. A majority of times people do find a treasure box but what is hidden inside is not exactly how one defines “treasure”. And that day their find was something exceptional.