Exploring Beneath

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To find out what the mysterious hatch lead to, the Otcaseks were going to have to go down a worn-out rusty latter that went fifteen feet into the complete darkness. If ever you found yourself in a new place that had something like this lying there, do you think you would ever have the courage to go inside and find out for yourself? This couple was too curious to find out, so they decided to check what was hiding underneath. When they reached the end of the tunnel, there was a room at the bottom. Since the room was quite deep under, it was shocking to find that it was very spacious and wide. It puzzled them even more.

The Room’s Features

Exploring Beneath

What was hiding beneath their home was something the both of them could have never imagined, even in a million years. It was totally out of the blue that there was room there. They discovered a room which was twelve foot by twelve-foot bomb shelter, which was constructed during the United States’ Cold War. This and a number of shelters had been built during those times to protect the people from a possible nuclear war. This room had been sitting there unattended and contained multiple relics that were quite popular back in the early 1960s.

The Cold War

Image result for cold war

Here is a little trivia about the Cold War in case some of you readers have never heard about if before. The war took place during the 1960s and was a post-World War II political and military landscape. The was has been dubbed ‘Cold War’ because there was no combat or use of arms and ammunition. The was was actually the result of tension that grew between the Soviet Union and The United States. The two superpowers did not see eye to eye but no force or weapons were used.

A Safety Concern

The Cold War

No one cane pin point the exact dates of when the Cold War started but there is an approximate date when it took place. So even though the actual dates when the Cold War happened are debatable, there is a common agreement that it took place during the years 1947 and 1991. It was the time the Soviet Union collapsed. The tension fell to an all-time high during the 1960s. Many American families began to grow worried that the Soviets would plan an attack and the possibility of the nuclear bombing was high.

Vintage Relics

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The room was still very much intact and it made them seem like time travelling just took place. The room was filled with items that were very popular during the 60s and everything was still nicely placed. So what was the point of building these rooms you ask? Well, there is a perfectly good explanation as to why some families in the past built these shelters. Many of the families that were in fear of a nuclear war breaking out built these shelters to protect themselves and their families from nuclear bombs.


Vintage Relics

What the rooms contained is anther thing that was certainly remarkable. There were shelves that contained everything that a person would need during their stay in the room if a nuclear bombing took place. There were items like protein granules, cookies, liquor, coffee and other stuff that could substitute as meals. Some of the supplies it contained were Kleenex, saran wrap, and foil wrap. They still had the vintage wrappings and boxes. It was clear that this room was a very nicely thought-out room.