Did You Lose Something?

Like all performers, athletes have that little part of their brains that obsesses over everything that could go wrong during a big competition. When you’re preparing for the hurdles in the Olympics, “losing your shoe” has to be pretty high on that list. But from the way this Ethiopian Olympian is skying over this hurdle, losing a shoe doesn’t seem to have held her back much. She actually went on to qualify for the Olympic final in this race despite her shoe falling off!

Hulking Out

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This photo makes it look like the gymnast pictured has decided that a mid-air transformation into the Hulk himself is the best way to win the competition. On his face you will read nothing but the most pure of intensity. Hey, we’re not judging – who knows what kind of concentration is required to flip in the air several times while twirling for good measure. Still, you can’t deny that this isn’t the most flattering photo he’s probably had taken.

The Horror! The Horror!

If you didn’t see the facial expressions of these two professional soccer players, you would think that this was a pretty standard photo. However, the photographer captured a split second where each man has a look of absolute horror on his face. This makes us all wonder and question what exactly could happen on a soccer field to prompt this sort of reaction? Shouldn’t one player at least be happy about whatever’s happening, since they’re on opposite teams?

Wear Your Water Helmet

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Apparently, head injuries have become such a concern that even swimming has mandated that their athletes wear helmets. What other reason could exist for what appears to be a clear helmet on top of this swimmer’s head as he emerges from the water? And as for his face, let’s not even get into the strange shape that the water has made there. The swimmer certainly isn’t distracted by any of this, though – look at the concentration! That said, we can’t exactly look into his eyes.

Here I Am, Upside Down

Considering how nasty this bull toss and resulting crash landing must have been, this photo captures what appears to be a very serene moment. In slow motion it would look as if he were in deep contemplation. It’s the calm before the storm, however. In a split second, the rider will land and immediately have to worry about the very angry bull as (hopefully) rodeo clowns arrive to distract the bull and redirect his anger elsewhere as he escapes. That said, we hope he lands and is concious.

I’ll Just Relax Here

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Hey, coach! That’s not a seat you’re resting on, that’s an actual person! I mean, I get that gymnasts are rather small and what not, but you can’t just be planting your tush wherever you want. It might result in a few crushed bones or something. In all likelihood, this Brazilian coach is applying a little pressure on the gymnast’s back to help her get a deeper stretch. If you get so flexible that you need a full-grown man sitting on you to get a good stretch, good for you!