Everybody Loves Gumby

His charming and adorable personality could win over anyone who met him. This was perhaps why the staff working at the Charleston Animal Society had fallen head over heels in love with him – and the feeling was mutual. 

When Separation Comes

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But alas, the happy times at the shelter had to come to an end. Gumby could not spend his whole life at the shelter. The main aim of rehabilitating a stray animal is to ultimately find a forever home for them. And with this, Gumby was put for adoption. 

Gumby The Escape Artist

Eventually, Gumby was adopted, but little did everyone realize how attached the pooch had grown to his shelter home. The love between the staff and Gumby was so immense, that he could not bear to part with his rescuers! And so, the first surprise came, with much more in tow! 

His First Adoption

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It had been only three days into his first adoption when the staff at the Charleston Animal Society were greeted with a surprise in the morning. Gumby had made his way back to his shelter home! Thinking it to be a case of unsuitable adopters, he was once again put up for adoption. But this was not going to be his last adoption…

The Second Adoption

Gumby was once again adopted. Fortunately, the second adoption lasted a little longer – by three more days that is. He was gone for six days this time, but like the tune of the pied piper, he was once again drawn back to the shelter. This soon became a pattern for the pooch over the next series of adoptions…

He Keeps Coming Back

For the next two years, Gumby would bounce from home to shelter, to home and back again. It had become sort of tradition for him to find his way back. It became a running joke amongst the shelter workers to compare Gumby’s antics to that of the famous magician’s – David Copperfield’s – escape tricks.