A Photo Of David

So what could Mikayla do to involve her father on her most special day to date although he had passed away? Well, she thought up an idea where she was in fact, able to walk down the aisle with her dad. As she met her husband-to-be at the end of the aisle, Mikayla had placed her father’s photo in her the bouquet of flowers she held so tightly in her hands.

Walk With Me, Daddy

Since every girl that has ever dreamt of having their wedding day wish to walk down the aisle and be handed off by their father, Mikayla wanted nothing more than this. But like we have said, she did not have a choice because her father was dead. Carrying a photo with the words, “Walk with me today, Daddy”, it was evident that her whole heart longed for her father’s presence. 

Where He Would Have Been

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This was not the only thing Mikayla did to ensure that she honored her father on her wedding day. She even placed David’s Marine boots at the venue and a portrait was placed right in the front and center where the ceremony was held. She had managed to place her father right “where he would have been,” as she told interviewers about placing his stuff.

David’s Colleagues’ Big Surprise

It is quite clear that the absent father was in the heart and mind of the bride on her wedding day. She was not the only person to be feeling like this as the memories of David also crept up on the guests’ minds as well. In particular, the former coworkers of David had wanted Mikayla to have a little bit of her father on the day of her wedding. They thought of a very wonderful surprise.

Tribute To David

As soon as it was time for Mikayla’s first dance after tying the knot with her husband, David’s police buddies went away for a change of clothing. No one knew what they were up to and some of the guests were getting quite curious to see what they had in store. When they reappeared, they were garbed in their uniforms so as to pay some sort of tribute to David.

For David And Mikayla

As you can already imagine, seeing someone dressed the same way her father used to dress up had a definite impact on Mikayla. As soon as she laid eyes on what her father’s friends had worn, Mikayla revealed, “The first cop walked out, he was a state trooper, and I just lost it.” She was overwhelmed with emotions and could not hold back the tears.