A Vow To Landon

After she was done with her vows, the minister then called Landon to come over. Then Katie bent down to face the boy and took his hand too. “Landon,” she emotionally declared, “I love you more than you will ever know. I’ve had the privilege of knowing you since the beginning.” Even from the start of her speech, everyone started getting emotional, fighting back their tears, trying to compose their emotions…

A  Tearful Room

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Katie was revealing all of her inner feeling, the love that she had for little Landon. “I’ve loved watching you grow and I will for the rest of my life. I’m so happy that now I officially get to be your bonus mom,” she continued. Landon looked directly into Katie’s eyes and the people present there were immensely touched. Katie was also holding back her tears, finding her words, trying to express herself.

Husband And Wife

She explained to Landon what she was willing to do, “I promise to love daddy with all my heart. I promise to be a best friend to mommy and your daddy Tyler. We will be one big family that I promise you will have for the rest of your life.” It was clear from her speech that Katie did not take this parenting role lightly, that she was very serious about leaving a positive impact on the boy who now had 4 parents.

Not Just For 2

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After she told him all that she had to get off her chest, Katie gave Landon a huge hug and stood up. She and Jeremy continued with exchanging their vows. Then the couple finally got married. It was a wonderful wedding ceremony that now connected not only the two of them but 3 other people. Katie and Jeremy were officially husband and wife. It was certainly an event that resulted in a lot of lifelong connections.

Family Of Six

When they first knew about each other, Katie and Casey did not expect there would ever come a point where they would be as close as they are now. “At the time, I thought we would be able to be cordial and co-parent. Never in a million years did I think she and I would be the very best of friends,” revealed Casey, confirming how close she felt to the father of her son’s new wife.

Family Goals

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This was not even the best part yet. It was such a win-win situation for little Landon. Why? you ask.Well, he gets to be raised by two mommies and two daddies. And despite how stepmother and stepfathers have been portrayed in storybooks, all of his parents love him and each other. They are all one big happy family that is willing to work together to make things work, to keep each other happy and healthy. They are truly family goals if ever there was such a thing.

Here are five family goals you can set that will surely change how your family works for the better…