Extraordinary Find
Extraordinary Find

Surely, Klaus was left perplexed after making this stunning discovery in a field that he knew was only used “for green grass or cattle”. So, he took the decision of consulting historians who had knowledge of WWII. Apart from that, he also contacted the Danish authorities.

Not A Clue
Not A Clue

What’s most surprising is the fact that the Kristiansen family had been doing agricultural work on the field for many years. For more than 40 years, Klaus lived on the exact same field, but they never had a hint of the stunning things buried inside their land.

Day Off
Day Off

Seeing that Daniel had gone far ahead on his project, he was allowed to take leaves from school in order to witness the discoveries that were being made on his farm. Klaus said, “He’s actually been given the day off school today so that he can watch the police and bomb disposal people working. It’s quite exciting for all of us.”

Tall Tales Become Reality
Tall Tales Become Reality

They were left amazed while gathering information on the plane they had excavated out of their farm. You’ll be too when I’ll tell you that it was a real German World War II aircraft. While doing their research, the duo learned that the plane was one of the Luftwaffe’s fighter planes, which were deployed all over Europe and even North Africa during the war.

Dating The Crash
Rom Kristiansen

It seemed that the Kristiansen’s were way ahead of the experts when it came to researching about the things discovered. On being asked the time when the plane would have crashed, Klaus said,” “We think it was around November or December 1944”. The reason for Klaus being so confident about his answer was that he had heard his grandfather mention the crash while baking cookies on Christmas. Klaus had not forgotten the instance.

A Secret Skeleton
Bones Image 4

Now, let’s mention some of the scary and creepy discoveries being made. The things they had found were bones, a jacket, and trousers. They immediately deduced that these belonged to the pilot of the plane as they all were a constituent of a Nazi pilot uniform. Yes, the family were not able to sleep for a few days after seeing all this. But, this was the beginning of a seemingly never-ending series of discoveries.