Strange But Sweet

The day came when July 13 happened. It was a Friday making it one of those infamous Friday the 13th  days. This a reference you would get if you are a lover of scary movies and superstitions. Erin made sure this day would be a special one for both Yuuki and her. She wanted Yuuki’s first Friday the 13th to be a memorable one. “Honoring Friday the 13th with this spooky gal,” she captioned on her Facebook post.

Each Other’s Company

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Erin was someone who enjoyed watching horror movies. She knew that her precious cat would be the perfect addition to her Friday the 13th gear. “Black cats are so creepy with their golden eyes looking all suspicious,” she confidently remarked. You can easily tell that these two are slowly strengthening their bond in the absence of Max. They are there for each other when they need each other the most.

Together In His Absence

As soon as Max got done with his boot camp, he will be able to join the Navy that will take away another six years of being with his loved ones. His mother and their adorable cat must bear their time alone once again when this happens. Max has his duties which he needs to uphold so his intention of getting the cat in the first place has proven to be a success. It is evident in the way Erin and Yuuki are living it up…

Pets As Companions

Image result for pets humans happy cats

We all know that sometimes, even more than other humans, pets know how to comfort you and be there for you when you feel lonely. They may not be able to tell you or speak to you but will always find a way to show you how they feel. It is beautiful to see that through the mutual love for Max, Erin, and Yuuki the black cat can find a friend in one another. They have each other if at any point in time they miss Max…

So how about we lit for you, 7 reasons why humans and cats can share an unbreakable bond with one another…

Cats Speak To Us

When a cat gives out a meow, it is not merely for display. This is how they hold a conversation with people. They are actually informing you about how their day went, questioning you about dinner plans and when you can cuddle with each other. Cats will only meow to humans, they have this specific vocal expression for us. They only share this language with a person whom they trust and accept.

Cats Are Cleaning Machines

Most of our pets never actually want to take pets, in fact, they detest the thought of being cleaned up. Therefore it is a good thing to know that a cat possesses a cleaning nature. Cats have been programmed to clean themselves up and are experts at that too. Healthy and happy cats will always take care of themselves. 50% of their daily time will be spent on grooming themselves.