For Treasure Hunters

If you are at all interested in treasure hunting, this is one show you should not fail to watch.“The series follows the group of treasure hunters as they dive on sites photographed by Cooper 50 years ago from space in the hope of unearthing the sea’s secrets,” as the show describes itself. So when the show aired, viewers who had a keen interest in treasure hunting were immediately drawn to it.

Strained Relationship With His Father

Image result for roger miklos

So when the show aired, there was a big revelation regarding the Miklos family. From the first episode of the show, the viewers were able to get an idea of how strained Miklos’ relationship with his father was. Everyone knows that having a healthy relationship with your parents helps you to remain grounded and sane. The kind of bond that Miklos shared with Cooper was something of this sort, so he was very pleased with it.

Family Feud

Like most of the issues we face with our parents, even Miklos confessed that he later became unsure as to why the rift formed between him and his father. They usually start because of something petty and insignificant that gets spun out of proportion. To top it all of, because of the family’s traditional profession, the issue with his dad was not something he could easily fix.

Treasure Hunting Is No Joke

If you have never gone treasure hunting, you would be surprised to learn about the fact that this activity is indeed a challenging one. Treasure hunting is much more difficult than anyone could ever imagine. Sure, when we make kids do it, we make sure the task does not get too confusing for them. But if you have met any professional treasure hunter, they will all confirm just how stressful it actually is.

What A Treasure Hunt Calls For

Just listen to what Miklos has to say when he explains the process that a treasure hunt entails. “You have to get the permits; you have to put together the right professional crew; you have to get your family backing on it; you have to get financial backing; you have to research the material you have and in some cases researching that material can take years,” Miklos revealed. So indeed, Cooper’s work isn’t a joke.

Cooper’s Information

Image result for ancient map“The material that Gordon gave me, he’s spot on,” claims Miklos, praising Cooper for his precision and being insightful. “I probably wouldn’t find 95 percent of this without that material at hand,” he even added. The map that Cooper came up with during his space mission was huge. It certainly was not a child’s play and Cooper made sure he hit the right marks with every treasure he spots.