“Please, Don’t Question”

This little guy just was trying to look what was inside the plastic bag, little did it know that it would be trapped inside it and like this on top of that. At least this cat accepted its defeat, one can see that by the helpless look on its face. Even the owners do not know how long the cat had been stuck there. It sure doesn’t look like a comfortable position to be stuck in.

The Moment Of Panic

So we have all heard how cats are not a big fan of water. There are obviously exceptions to that generally accepted observation. Like this cat here. Even though it does not like bathing in water it sure does like chilling on it. And that’s what it was doing. Chilling. But when it realized that it had floated away from the safe jumping distance from land, it freaked out. As can be seen.

“What? I Saw A Hole.”

So I am pretty sure that this cat was aiming to get in one of the 5 hollow holes of these kitchen roles but it just got stuck between the two before even getting anywhere near its aim. In all probability, it thought that it’s hooman got so many hole-y things for it to play along. It sure did get some play.

So Close Yet So Far

Cats pride themselves for being good at climbing swiftly, smoothly and elegantly. Some cat jumps are really amazing. Not this particular one though. This cat came along so confidently, placed itself in the position of intent and failed so miserably but we can’t stop looking at this and laughing. I just hope that this kitty landed safely.

“Wake Uaaaaaaaa..”

So this little kitten was just trying to get its sibling to wake up from slumber and play with it. Little did it know that it was going to land itself in trouble for that. We can only feel sorry for the little one who was not really creating any mischief but looking for play. Better luck getting up buddy.

Didn’t See That Coming Did You?

Now, this cat is less of a cat than a mouse. If there is one thing Tom and Jerry taught us was that cats love eating fish. Even this cat seemed to have an eye on the fishes in the tank as an afternoon snack but a little warning from the fish and cat seems almost scared to hysteria. This tells us one thing. Courage matters, size doesn’t.