Moment Of Truthclaire prowisor father daughter chaskel philippe szyper jews belgium holocaust deportation train auschwitz mechelen

Philippe carried Claire up towards the window hatch. For a moment she turned back and looked at her father for the last time. She got out of the window and stayed hidden from the Nazi cops as she knew she’ll be shot then and there if caught.

Escape From Convoy 20claire prowisor father daughter chaskel philippe szyper holocaust train jump

It was time for her to jump off the train and so she raised her hands to protect her skull and jumped. After rolling through the fields she was finally conscious and out of the train where she left her father. To her surprise, even her husband was nowhere to be found.

On The Tracksjump train holocaust jumped escaped philippe szyper claire prowisor father daughter

Claire was crying and looking for her husband. She couldn’t believe her luck when she saw Philippe running towards her. They made it. The struggle was still far from over. They were still in those prison clothes and anyone would know that they were Jews.

To Be Righteousbelgian priest saves jews belgium nazi holocaust

Claire and Philippe kept on walking until they reached a village. Hidingly the couple made their way to the village’s Church. They were taking a risk again but they have to trust someone so they told the priest about it. The priest could have easily told the Nazis about them but he didn’t. In fact, he handed over 50 francs to the couple and told them the way to the nearest city, Liège. That’s where they found their non-Jew friends who kept them in hiding for over one and a half year until the war was over. But what next?

Survivor Guiltmechelen belgium jews jewish holocaust survivors

Claire and Philippe were among the countable Jews who got through the Holocaust. In order to get away from the miserable memories, the couple moved to  South America. Claire, however never got over the regret of leaving her father in the train that day. Living with the guilt of letting her father die was a burden she couldn’t take. It didn’t let her sleep through the nights.

But she didn’t know that soon she’ll be receiving an answer in the most unpredictable way.

A Tap On The Shoulderisrael tel aviv dizengoff philippe szyper claire prowisor holocaust survivors father daughter jewish

In 1962, this couple visited Israel and one evening when Claire was walking down the lane of Tel Aviv with her husband a woman called her name, “Clairette!” But Claire didn’t know her and this woman knew her nickname that was hardly ever used since her father died.