They Might Know

Christine thought of herself as a fool on realizing that the easiest way to locate her father was no other than her grandparents. They would definitely be knowing about him. She was hopeful that as her grandparents were the only one who was there with her when everyone else left, they would help her find her birth father. Would they provide her the missing information from her family tree?

A Step Ahead

Christine visited her grandparents’ place with high hopes. She was quite optimistic about everything. She greets them and immediately shoots the question about her father. Though the old couple was initially taken aback, they then told her, the only thing they knew was a resident of Pennsylvania. But, again this was not enough to find this mysterious man. And then came a shocking revelation…

Letting Go

Christine soon started to feel lost when she realized with such little piece of information she could not locate her father. While her details that her grandparents furnished for her she got hopeful but her hopes were now taking the shape of hopelessness and helplessness. She did not know what to do next and then a woman enters her life.


Christine decided to move on in life. She was putting her best foot forward to find contentment in her life, but the poor child of the lord could not. Her mother left, she had no clues to her father, all this just tore her apart. For a child to know the basics of his/her existence-their parents is the most important thing. And then Christine learned about a website via the woman that will bring turmoil in her life.

One of Christine’s friend introduced her to a website named The website used DNA samples. It was an attempt to help people locate and trace their family via this biological linkage. Christine knew that this was something she had to give a try. Surprisingly, the long-lost hidden secrets started to unfold.

The Unexpected Message

It would have been a week or so that Christine had made a profile over this website. She also submitted her hair sample as a DNA sample. During this phase, all Christine prayed for was to find her father with this. And then she receives an unexpected message from a woman. Who was she?