This t-shirt is an attempt to hopefully inspire others around him to live every day to the fullest as ‘You Only Live Once.’ But sometimes, people do not want to dial up too much on their lifestyle as a lowkey life sometimes soothes them better. This guys assumes that a better life entails one that is loud and proud. To each his own…

Hypocrite Much?

This guy could be the spokesperson for the phrase “Do as I say, not as I do.” He is literally wearing a ‘Think Safety’ while riding on the back of a pick-up truck. What if the truck bumps and he accidentally falls down. He is clearly not following his own instruction. We hope kids do not see him and think safety is a joking matter and he reached his destination safe and sound.

A Good Hustle?

Patience is a virtue but in this day and age, we cannot wait for opportunities to come to knock on our doorsteps. We have to seize the day and make the best out of what we have. This young lady is clearly acknowledging the fact that sometimes waiting and doing nothing just does not bear fruits. Her shirt shows her spirit and we respect her for focusing on her hustle. 

My Confessions

A day at the pool can be ruined by one single person. Yes, we all know how disappointing and gross it is to discover that someone has in fact peed inside the pool while everyone else is enjoying the water. This guy here is not ashamed to admit that he has peed in pools. We are guessing he belongs to the group of people who have a trouble with their bladder…

Hurry Up!

Do you have a friend or an uncle who has not found a girl to wife? And is he getting a little too old now? Well, we know the perfect gift to give him. Make sure you contact this person wearing this t-shirt that will surely give you results. We are sure some girls have approached this guy in the photo and even if he has not found his ideal girl, he can continue wearing the t-shirt to signal them.

Too Much Information

Well, this guy’s t-shirt can mean a lot of things. What does he mean by gas? Is he talking about gas as in fuel? Is he talking about gas as in fart that humans produce? Or is he just trying to get attention? There are so many questions that revolve around this man’s t-shirt. In case you ever run into him, please let fill us in on what his intentions were?