
It only takes the right kind of confidence to get a girl, right? This guy right here seems to have done the math and found himself a solution that works on girls. He only dates models and does not care for ordinary girls. For those who want to date him, it would surely be hurtful to know that only a Naomi Campbell or a Kate Moss could ever satisfy his desires.

Warning Not Heeded

As teenagers, we often find ourselves doing the dumbest things. Activities like jumping off the roof into the pool, setting chairs on fire and digging holes in the backyard all seem like fun ideas when we are teens. We only learn from our lessons after the damage is done and we ourselves become a victim of our own stupidity. Just ask this boy, he knows what he did wrong.

Just Dumb It

In school, we are always taught to think differently and be innovative. This advice continues even when we reach college. This little girl is wearing a t-shirt that nudges you to “Think less, stupid more.” We cannot help but speak out about our concerns for her and who is raising her. If this is the direction she is headed from this age, we can only imagine what she will become when she reaches adulthood.


We all have a subject that we are all very weak in. Some of us are weak in languages while some are extremely terrible at math. We cannot judge other people as we all have different weaknesses. But can you be so ignorant to confuse the African continent with Asia? This is a t-shirt that could definitely give every one of our geography teachers nightmares for days.

French Fries And Happiness

There are some things in life that just leave you speechless because they are just plain right meaningless. Reading through the words on this t-shirt, you cannot help but re-read several times because it is either too deep or absolute nonsense. This t-shirt we presume is trying to personify french fries as a hamburger’s friend. Still, what’s ‘a him’?


Well, it is a common conception that a man does not necessarily wear a pink shirt. Pink is deemed as a very feminine color that should only cater to girls. Grandpa here wants to change this notion by sporting a pink t-shirt outdoors. And he goes a little extra mile as the t-shirt informs you not to laugh because this t-shirt is ”your girlfriend’s shirt”.