Laughing Out

Like we have mentioned earlier, there was one thing that realy worried the operator. He was concerned about the fact that the little girl who was in charge of her passed out dad, would freak out any minute. But judging from the way she took care of things, it was clear that she was not about to panic. This made the dispatcher relaxed a little bit more.

More On The Dog

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The operator was now convinced that she was not going to crack under pressure, so decided to join in her conversation. Since she had introduced the dog to him, he asked her if the puppy was friendly or not. When she heard this, Savannah was more than glad to give him an answer! As a 5-year-old, her whole world revolved around her precious pet…

The Dog Barks

So now the only thing that the operator needed to do was to make sure that Savannah was not occupied with anything else, that she was with her dad. Even if it meant that he needed to speak to her about her puppy, he was willing to do so. And so, she was still talking about her dog, describing to the dispatcher that LouLou was her name, that she was quite friendly but that “he kind of barks”.

Still About The Pup

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Since her dog was the only thing on her mind, the operator knew that he needed to engage on this topic. It was the only way little Savannah was going to stay put so he had to comply. And then the dispatcher told the 5- year- old that this was a very normal way for a puppy to behave. The conversation was indeed turning hilarious despite how scary it started!

Officers Reaching

And since the operator needed someone, a correspondent to handle the emergency situation while the officers were on their way, he had no choice but to make Savannah that person. And to his surprise, she actually did a very good job although their conversation was way out of topic. They had spoken on the phone for a little over 10 minutes but to him, it felt like a long phone call.

Ambulance Also Arrives

Since Savannah had to get the door for the officers in because she was the only one home during that time. Frank was still lying down, unable to speak nor breath properly. He desperately needed the officers to get there. Finally, the officers arrived at their home and an ambulance was there too. This was needed as they had to rush and find Frank soon.