Age Can’t Stop Me

We must all be aware that the elder generations love to go fishing. We mostly learn how to fish from our grandfathers. They really love to give tips and lessons to their grandchildren on how to catch the biggest fishes in the lakes or rivers. There is something about fishing that is just so fulfilling for the ones who have mastered it. Look at this old man with a walker still excited as ever to go fishing.

Strong Fish

We must remember that the power of nature is not something to play around with. It is extremely powerful! Look at this guy struggle with one of the most powerful forces of nature, fish! Even though this guy had been dragged all the way to the edge of the waters, he is determined not to lose the fight. With his tight grip, he has managed to hold still. But did he catch anything though?

Seize The Moment

What can a man do when his day has been ruined by heavy rainfall? Well, he can always go fishing! The rain in his local neighborhood was so heavy that it started flooding. He remained calm and collected and took a very surprising response by setting up a fishing station. He has made this unfortunate incident a merry one and looks to be unbothered by the whole situation.

A Smart Fish

Fishing is not exactly an easy sport. You must keep in mind that sometimes, fishes can actually be smart too. There are times one has to outsmart the fish. Look at this fish for instance. It knows it is in danger. He had to actually go underneath the water and grab hold of the fish with his bare hands to make sure it does not escape. Quite the effort right?

Rule Breakers

We must always remember that signboards are there for a purpose. There is a reason for stop signs and speed limit signs in certain areas. This particular one is a “no fishing from bridge” sign. It is something that everyone here has chosen to ignore. In most cases, these men would be cautious but it makes for such an amazing fishing spot that they could not obey…

Caught In A Net

When we think of fishing, we always picture the use of rods. There are actually more ways to catch fish than just the usual rod. You can actually make use of a net to catch fishes. But nets use up more energy and effort so they are less popular. However, do you not find this woman here interesting? She is making use of three nets, one with her arms, one with her feet and one on her head!