He Waited

Police had her photograph, Florence was still missing and the home wasn’t home anymore. He used to wait at the police station every day but no news of his missing wife was there. His daily visits at the police station changed to weekly and later monthly. Soon, Florence became one of the other missing people whose names are somewhere in the huge files that nobody talks about.

Left By Wish?

Cops were looking at one more possibility behind Florence going missing. They were assuming that what if Florence wasn’t kidnapped and she left by her own will? After all, she was mature enough. She did not even have any responsibilities of kids to worry for. The cops were trying to understand if the couple was happy together and if Florence had someone else in her life other than Robert.

Long Wait

Where was Florence Stevens? She was the kind of woman who could only rest at her home, always in a hurry to reach home. Her small apartment was the world to her and this thing stayed in his mind and he knew his woman will not leave him like that. Somewhere he was right…

No Publicity

Some missing cases attract a lot of media attention but that happens for one when thousands of missing people’s story goes unheard. Florence Stevens case was one such case. But would that have made any difference or brought Florence home? Well, even when the case wasn’t much in limelight, Robert did all he could to bring her back. 


Robert kept on distributing her posters and conducted meetings with his church community just to raise awareness and see if he could find even the slightest of the clue about his wife’s whereabouts. Sadly, nothing ever happened and the question always pinched him like a needle.

Left Alone

With Florence gone, he was left all alone in the city. This city reminded him of her yet he couldn’t leave it as he always had hopes for her return. Was she in pain or living a happy life? He didn’t even know if she was alive or not. But what was going on in a different world was not in anyone’s wildest of dreams.