A Spare Phone

The operator on the call understood there is no way for Jess to tell her where she is at the moment and to send rescue services they need their exact location. So she asked Jess if she has cell reception on any other phone apart from hers so that she can follow instructions while staying connected on call.

Follow The Instructions

Jess took her boyfriend’s phone and was ready to follow the operator’s instructions but what the operator said next took Jess by surprise. The operator asked her to download an app. It took Jess a moment to realize this was not some stupid joke and the operator was dead serious. She was supposed to download an app on her phone.

The Three Words

Dan and Kieran were really confused as to what was happening, Jess was busy downloading some app on Kieran’s phone as per the operator’s instruction. Jess suddenly speaks into the phone, “Kicked. Converged. Soccer” Dan and Kieran had their brows furrowed in confusion. What is Jess talking about? Why is she talking in codes? What is happening?

Hanging Up

Jess hung up the call thanking the operator and was met by the confused faces of Dan and Kieran. They had so many questions it baffled her mind plus Kieran was angry she hung the phone, “How will we manage to call them back now?” Jess told him it won’t be necessary as help is on the way. Jess took a deep breath and began to explain to them what happened.

The Rescue

Jess told the boys that because she said those three words, the rescue team will now be able to find their precise location and come help. The boys were bewildered by what is happening. What did she mean by Kicked Converged and Soccer? What kind of code is that and how will it locate them?

The App

The app which Jess downloaded is called ‘What3words’. It is a location tracking app that can detect the device’s location as precise as within 10 square feet. The user can then communicate their location by telling the unique set of three words for their location. And that is the “code” that Jess told the operator.