Have you ever looked at a painting or a mural and been curious to know the history behind it? Well, for any art lover, it would always draw attention or interest as art comes in different shapes and forms. If you look around, you will see several works of art just out the street. It is always something interesting to learn about how they came about. Well, these Egyptian paintings have been there for years but recently scientists have discovered something remarkable about them that has left everybody opened mouthed.

2000-Year-Old Paintings

There were a few archaeologists who had been working in Egypt. These researchers soon discovered an amazing collection of mummy portraits in 1899. All these portraits looked extremely familiar to each other. And these artworks are allegedly linked to their mummified remains. These paintings were done during the time the Romans held sway in Egypt about 2,000 years ago.

Some Re-Evaluation

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It was such a surprising find because the archaeologists did not expect to find so many of them. The portraits had disappeared as they were directly kept in storage ever since they had been discovered. But in the year 2015, scientists and conservators decided to hold a re-evaluation of these paintings. What they were lead to discovered completely left them shocked.

Fayum Portraits

These paintings that had been found were indeed enchanting to look at. They were all done so clean and crisp. Also, these portraits had been painted on wooden panels and were also called Fayum portraits. These were also alleged representations of people who had passed away. Each painting was said to be of the mummified person that died.

A Common Practice

Looking at these paintings, you would clearly see that they are done masterfully. The panels were also an addition to the mummified bodies and kept along with the bindings. These were also placed over the face of the deceased. The practice was something of the Roman Empire era which also included Egypt. It was quite a common practice during this time.

A Love Story

This was clearly not a work of the Egyptians as we must have all seen the style of paintings they follow. The Romans incorporated Egypt as an addition to their empire in 30 B.C. Following the victory over his enemy Mark Antony, Octavian, later Emperor Augustus, took over Egypt from the pharaoh of the day who was Cleopatra.

A Change Came

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It was also a strange and complex relationship because there was also a love affair involved. She and Mark Antony were also lovers. And after they began their relationship, there was a huge change. What was known as the Ptolemaic Kingdom now became a possession of Rome. And after this happened, there was a tangible change in how Egypt functioned.